Lenmontag Group openly declares its rejection of corruption in any of its forms and manifestations, which means a complete prohibition for managers, employees, as well as other persons acting on behalf of the Company and SDCs and / or in their interests, directly or indirectly, personally or through any mediation to participate in corrupt practices.
The inadmissibility of corrupt practices is a mandatory requirement when interacting with representatives of public authorities and local governments, public organizations, government agencies, commercial companies, politicians and other persons.
Corruption – abuse of office, giving a bribe, accepting a bribe, abuse of authority, commercial bribery or other illegal use by an individual of his official position contrary to the legitimate interests of society and the state in order to obtain benefits in the form of money, valuables, other property or services of a property nature, etc. property rights for themselves or for third parties, or illegal provision of such benefits to the specified person by other individuals. Corruption is also the commission of the listed acts on behalf of or in the interests of a legal entity.
Lenmontag Group and related legal entities, employees and members of the Company’s Board of Directors attach great importance to doing business in accordance with generally recognized ethical standards and consider bribery and corruption unacceptable.
Lenmontag Group conducts anti-corruption work in accordance with the current regulation “On preventing and combating corruption” P-LM-SMK-022-2019 dated 03.03.2020.
We ask you to provide messages about impending or committed facts of fraud, corruption and embezzlement through the following feedback channels:
Phone: +7 (921) 743-38-60
E-mail: skachkov@lenmontag.ru
Fill out this form if you have anything to say about the facts of corruption, embezzlement and fraud. We will contact you in a convenient way, at a convenient time for you. Also, you can write to us anonymously. Thank you for your active public position.